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Order of PPs

The word order of various adposition phrases (PPs) following the noun is essentially free, though certain orders may be less marked than others, and interpretation is highly dependent on the content.


In the example below, any permutation of van ofPPs is grammatical. The order as given in the example seems to be the unmarked order, with the possessor first, then the theme, then the agent, although such intuitions are somewhat unreliable, being affected by the (imagined) discourse context:

Die kopie van die dorpsbiblioteek van 'Kringe in 'n bos' van Dalene Matthee, is gesteel.
the copy PTCL.GEN the town.library of circles in a forest of Dalene Matthee be.AUX.PASS.PST steal.PASS
the town library's copy of 'Circles in a forest' by Dalene Matthee, was stolen.

However, even if such permutation of the PP is grammatical, it can be highly ambiguous (especially when more than one theme can be identified, as in the example below), and therefore the use of the genitive particle se 's, or combination with other prepositions is preferred (Ponelis 1979:152).

a. ?Die kopie van die dorpsbiblioteek van 'Kringe in 'n bos' van die ma en haar aangenome seun van Dalene Matthee, is gesteel.
the copy PTCL.GEN the town.library of circles in a forrest of the mother and her adopted son by Dalene Matthee be.AUX.PASS.PST steal.PASS
The town library's copy 'Circles in a forest' about the mother and her adopted son by Dalene Matthee, was stolen.
b. Die dorpsbiblioteek se kopie van Dalene Matthee se 'Kringe in 'n bos' oor die ma en haar aangenome seun, is gesteel .
the town.library PTCL.GEN copy of Dalene Matthee PTCL.GEN circles in a forest about the mother and her adopted son be.AUX.PASS.PST steal.PASS
The town library's copy of Dalene Matthee's 'Circles in a forest' about the mother and her adopted son, was stolen.
  • Ponelis, F.A1979Afrikaanse sintaksis.Van Schaik
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