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2.3.Discontinuous adjective phrases

Sections 2.1 and 2.2 have discussed complementation of the adjective, and we have amply demonstrated that at least adjectives and their PP-complement(s) constitute a larger phrase, which is clear from the fact that they can be moved together into clause-initial position; cf. the constituency test. This is demonstrated again in (50b) for the adjective trots. However, given the fact that the adjective and its PP-complement can also be moved into clause-initial position in isolation, as in (50c) and (50d), it is clear that the AP can occur discontinuously.

a. Jan is [AP trots op zijn vader].
  Jan is  proud  of his father
  'Jan is proud of his father.'
b. [AP Trots op zijn vader] is Jan niet.
  proud of his father  is Jan not
c. Trots is Jan op zijn vader.
  proud  is Jan  of his father
d. Op zijn vader is Jan trots.
  of his father  is Jan proud

The following sections will show that discontinuous APs arise as a result of various movement processes, which arguably play a role in the verbal domain as well. Section 2.3.1 starts by discussing movement of PP-complements. We show that the discontinuity of the AP may arise as a result of PP-over-V and PP-preposing (wh-movement, topicalization and focus movement). Section 2.3.2 concludes with a discussion of movement of nominal complements.

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